All-compost bacteria play a crucial role in the ecosystem by breaking down organic matter into simpler compounds.
In all compost complex organic compounds into simpler compounds like water, carbon dioxide, and other organic molecules.
- All-compost bacteria helps in enrich the soil and provide the necessary nutrients for plant growth.
- All-compost is responsible for breaking down and removing waste products, such as dead leaves, and fallen fruit. This helps to keep the environment clean and free from harmful waste.
- All compost bacteria use enzymes to break down complex organic molecules into simpler compounds, such as carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus.
How to use
- Folier spray : 1litre All compost mix with 100litre watertank and spray it on 2 -3tons on compost
- Drip irrigation : 1litre / acre
- CFU : 1 x 108cfu/ml
- Shake the bottle before use and store in a cool and dry place.
- All fruits, vegetables and crops.